June 11, 2015

water kefir

I first began drinking kefir when I was given the grains by a friend. After reading about the health benefits of kefir teemed with the fact it costs nothing to make & is super simple to make I decided it was a worthwhile drink to incorporate into our diet. Water kefir is a fermented beverage with beneficial bacteria. It is similar in flavor to a dry, slightly fizzy lemonade which requires your taste buds getting used to but if you persevere with it for a couple weeks, believe me, you'll come to love it and your kids will too.  and can be enjoyed by both children and adults. 

What is water kefir

Water kefir, like kombucha, is first cultured by introducing a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts) into sugar water.  The beneficial bacteria and yeasts present in the water kefir grains metabolize the sugar, turning it into an array of beneficial acids and infusing it with beneficial microorganisms, additional B vitamins as well as food enzymes. Water kefir grains are small, translucent, gelatinous structures  and are comprised of assorted bacteria including lactobacillus hilgardii which gives them their characteristic crystal-like appearance. These crystal like structures continue to grow and reproduce indefinitely.

Water Kefir benefits
Water kefir, like most fermented foods, supports gut health and systemic wellness. The beneficial bacteria in the water kefir grains consume the sugar in the sugar water, and as they metabolize the sugar, they produce a variety of beneficial acids, food enzymes, B vitamins and more beneficial bacteria.  This process of fermentation also reduces the sugar content of the drink.

1 cup kefir grains
1/2 cup raw sugar
flavoring (a combination of 2) eg berries, mint, ginger, lemon/lime dried fig
1/4 teaspoon bicarb soda
8 cups filtered water

Dissolve the sugar in 1/3 cup boiling water. Place kefir grains in a large jar. Add sugary water and 8 cups filtered water.

Add bicarb soda and flavorings. Place a piece of cheesecloth on top of jar and secure with a rubber band (to allow air flow but prevent bugs from getting in).

Sit on bench top to 2-3 days. The longer it sits the stronger the flavor gets.

Strain grains and flavorings using a non metallic sieve. Pour kefir into a glass jar or sealed container. At this point you can seal the jar and keep it on the cupboard for an extra day to get a more 'fizzy' kefir. Store in the fridge and use within 1 week. Separate flavorings from kefir granules. 

Store kefir granules in fridge in filtered water for up to one week or if longer store in sugary water
Your grains will expand every time you make a batch of kefir. 

To use up excess grains you can either give them away to a friend, put them on the compost, give them to the chickens or add them to your garden. They are a great fertilizer.

You can add a pinch of egg shells to the batch when you start the fermentation process. This is a way to add every minerals to your diet.

The best way to get kefir grains is from a friend because they're free! If you live in Adelaide feel free to send me an email and I can organise some for you. Otherwise your next best option is from a health food shop like goodies & grains at the central market if you live in Adelaide or there are a lot of online shops you can source them from too.

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